Thursday, October 1, 2009


Let it be known that I love to ride my bicycle. This picture was taken on the way back from my relatively unplanned and definitely un-budgeted trip to Whistler, British Columbia this last August. I wish I had more pictures like this, of epic road trips to exotic places riding my bike. The truth is, I really wish I rode my bike more. I have concluded that there are three conclusive reasons for which I hardly ever ride my bike. I will list them now.

Reason #1:
Reason #2:

Reason #3:

Now, I have been thinking for quite some time now of what I could do to include more biking time in my life. I feel that all three of these things, school, work, and a girlfriend, are beneficial to my both short and long-term happiness, however, neither short nor long-term happiness can be achieved, in my opinion, without biking included. I would like to hear your suggestions as to what I might do to balance these three things and add a healthy amount of biking to the mix as well. I have yet to find a way, as school requires money, which requires me to work a hefty amount, which limits my time, which means the limited supply of free time I have is put towards quality time with my girlfriend. Basically, my conclusion has come to mostly one option: My girlfriend should ride bikes too.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We have a winner!!!

Well, Buddy, you've done it. You've officially motivated me to post something besides a 2 liner. Congratulations. I think hoorahs are in order. Hoorah. This update even included a picture. I think we should all be pleased. Seriously, now that I have a computer that sucks, but functions, I should be able to publish a post or two in the next few months. I hope you're all looking forward to that, and if you would like to see more, you surely better speak up now so I know you're following me. Come, join me. I'll give you cookies...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Due to a recent outpooring of criticism on lack of updates on my blog (tigerclawdeluxe), I am updating this, for you. Hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Today I reached what I believe to be one of the highest scores of all time on the flash copter game. The orange arrow indicates my score. I challenge you to beat it.