Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pain Tolerance Test

Okay, so this post should've been posted approximately 3 weeks ago... however, I have been lazy and negligent. But here is a video of one of the pain tolerance tests we've been doing on Rob. We're pushing the limits to see how much tolerance to pain Rob really has. So far... the only conclusion I have drawn is that his pain tolerance is limitless.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Night Riding

Okay, poor picture quality. Let's just get that out of the way to avoid future comments. Regardless, about 3.5 years ago I purchased the Marwi Nightpro Extreme light system for riding my bike at night. Let's face it... most of us live busy lives... work, school, and bowling can take up a lot of time. My passion for biking has led me to understand that often times it is difficult to find the time for everything I would like to do, especially riding my bike, since it was entirely dependent on the light of the sun. Now, what really depressed me is that during the winter season when the sun is down by 5pm due to daylight savings I never had time to ride. Ever. I had heard about lighting systems for bikes and had always been skeptical of how well it would work. I couldn't imagine having a light that would light the trail enough for me to go 20-30 mph railing corners and hitting jumps. Well, after some research and after a talk to my good friend Brent Rodriguez... I decided I needed to invest in a lighting system. Brent's Dad was kind enough to get me a super deal (like $150 off) on the Nightpro Extreme. It may have been one of the best purchases of my life, as since then I've been able to ride when I want... and not when daylight savings and the sun want. I went for a ride tonight and it was excellent. Look, it's December, it's should be freezing, it gets dark at 5pm and I can still ride after work. Just get bundled up, strap on the Nightpro and point those handlebars downwards!! It's a whole different experience as well. I love it. As you can possibly see, I am lit up by the truck's headlight at the top of the "C", and my light is not even directly shinging at the camera at all, but still blinding it. It's a bright light. And it lasts up to 3.7 hours. Now that, my friends, is a good time. Happy trails!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I, along with some friends, have recently discovered a love for bowling. We've gone a lot the past few weeks. It's been an evolving process, and I find it fitting that we document that progress. I'll introduce tonight the 4 members of our team, with our current throw preferences. Keep in mind, this is not a joke. We have each have our own ball and bag, and the majority of us have our own shoes. (Alright, to avoid further comments, I am the only one without shoes now. I'm workin on it!!) Anyways. Bowling. What a good time.

Me. Mickey Bowl.

Travis. Rob.

That's the Piranha Chomp. The name was coined by Rob. I started with the Piranha Chomp several weeks ago and saw immediate results, soon bowling a career high 202. Since then the Piranha Chomp has proved unreliable. I'm working on perfecting the spin.

Rob with the Sledgehammerhead Shark. Patented and trademarked by Rob himself, three fingers are placed in the holes of the ball, curled up with the wrist and flicked ever-so-smoothly onto the lane, creating a curve that is unmistakable. I've always been impressed with the Sledgehammerhead Shark, as I honestly don't see how it's done effectively. Rob has proved it to be very effective, as he scored a 186 last night.

Rob can act really strange around his ball, Travioli. I wouldn't mind so much... but his ball is named Travis. I think you can put two and two together and realize perhaps he has a few gay tendencies. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...) Pictured above was moments before a big juicy kiss.

This is Noah. If you could see his face, you'd see it resembles that of a Badger. Therefore, shown here is a shot of the "Badger Bite" in full action. A variation of the Sledgehammerhead with all three fingers tucked in and a serious spin that could only be reached by that of a badger bite. If you know what I mean... and I think you do.

This is the Chelsea Slaughter Slide. Classic style with a patented 6-8" shoe slide on the wood before lettin 'er go. It looks really nice every time. Works really well some of the time.

The Chelsea Slaughter Slide workin it!!!

The Piranha Chomp in all it's inconsistency.

Badger Bite in action.. pickin up the split!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Frozen Fox

The other day, I hiked up to the top of square mountain.. and found this fox frozen in a small man made pond. I thought about cutting the tail out and selling it on eBay... but the frigid waters swayed my decision to a negative one. This is why I am making a blog, so all of you people can know about the things that take place in my life, like finding frozen foxes.