I, along with some friends, have recently discovered a love for bowling. We've gone a lot the past few weeks. It's been an evolving process, and I find it fitting that we document that progress. I'll introduce tonight the 4 members of our team, with our current throw preferences. Keep in mind, this is not a joke. We have each have our own ball and bag, and the majority of us have our own shoes. (Alright, to avoid further comments, I am the only one without shoes now. I'm workin on it!!) Anyways. Bowling. What a good time.

Me. Mickey Bowl.

Travis. Rob.

That's the Piranha Chomp. The name was coined by Rob. I started with the Piranha Chomp several weeks ago and saw immediate results, soon bowling a career high 202. Since then the Piranha Chomp has proved unreliable. I'm working on perfecting the spin.

Rob with the Sledgehammerhead Shark. Patented and trademarked by Rob himself, three fingers are placed in the holes of the ball, curled up with the wrist and flicked ever-so-smoothly onto the lane, creating a curve that is unmistakable. I've always been impressed with the Sledgehammerhead Shark, as I honestly don't see how it's done effectively. Rob has proved it to be very effective, as he scored a 186 last night.

Rob can act really strange around his ball, Travioli. I wouldn't mind so much... but his ball is named Travis. I think you can put two and two together and realize perhaps he has a few gay tendencies. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...) Pictured above was moments before a big juicy kiss.

This is Noah. If you could see his face, you'd see it resembles that of a Badger. Therefore, shown here is a shot of the "Badger Bite" in full action. A variation of the Sledgehammerhead with all three fingers tucked in and a serious spin that could only be reached by that of a badger bite. If you know what I mean... and I think you do.

This is the Chelsea Slaughter Slide. Classic style with a patented 6-8" shoe slide on the wood before lettin 'er go. It looks really nice every time. Works really well some of the time.
The Chelsea Slaughter Slide workin it!!!
The Piranha Chomp in all it's inconsistency.
Badger Bite in action.. pickin up the split!!